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As EMS continues to transition to Shared Health, all EMS policies, with the exception of Interfacility Transfer are being removed from the Policies, Procedures and Standard Guidelines section on the Health Providers’ Site.

The remaining Interfacility Transfer policy is being updated and will be moved to Across Care Areas in the near future. 

Please ensure your binders are also updated to reflect this removal of all the EMS policies (CLI.5310 and CLI.5311) with the exception of Inferfacility Transfer (CLI.5310.PR.004). 

Submitted by:  Scott Noble, Southern Area Director – Emergency Medical Services / Emergency Response Services
Contact Info:  Cell (204) 248-2092 ext 43310 or 

Please be advised that as of Oct 1st, 2024, preprinted patient labels on pre-transfusion and prenatal testing can be used. This has been trialed at the Health Sciences Centre over the last 6 months with great success. Canadian Blood Services does accept these labels. If your facility uses handwritten labels these will still be accepted. There will be ongoing monitoring via RL6s and NCRs (blood blank) with direct notification to the clinical areas of occurrences if required.

Access this poster that can be printed in color and displayed where staff can see this.

It is important to stress to staff using the pre-printed labels that the initials on the blood tube label must be the same as the initials on the requisition.

Submitted by: Tamara Burnham, Collaborative Practice Lead
For more info. contact: Shana Chiborak RN Nurse Manager Blood Management, Shared Health

Charlie Cacapit Interim Technical Director, Transfusion Medicine Diagnostic Service, Shared Health

Please be advised that Cardinal product code Z8884702500 SET FEEDING ENTERNAL GRAVITY LF 1000ML is on backorder. To assist clinicians, Cardinal has provided this Kangaroo Gravity Flow Rate document.

Disrupted Product Information

SupplierMaterial DescriptionOUOM/BUOMPrice
211635Z8884702500CarinalSET FEEDING ENTERNAL GRAVITY LF 1000ML30EA/CA$85.00

Disrupted Product Information

SAP#Supplier REF#SupplierMaterial DescriptionOUOM/BUOMPriceAvailability notes:
1000ML (Adults only not for use w/Peds)
30EA/CA$95.00100CA ETA to 5100 September 13 2024
1000ML (Adults & Peds)
30EA/CA$97.3135CA ETA to 5100 next week September 4 2024 – this shipment will be allowed by SCMSS to those that require. Monthly Bulk orders to 5100 will begin soon
1200ML (Adults & Peds)
30EA/CA$173.10170CA ETA to 5100 September 19 2024

Submitted by: Tamara Burnham, Collaborative Practice Lead, and Tim Siran, Regional Manager-Logistics and Supply Chain Management
For more info. contact: Tim
431-356-0217 or email


Please access the letter regarding “Manitoba Prescription Birth Control Program”.

Submitted by: Public Health-Healthy Living

Please see Product Safety Alert regarding breaking/leaking with the BD 4 FR PICC product code 2194108 for the action required, risk mitigation strategy and product ordering information. Site Logistics and Supply Chain Management staff are available to assist with product changes.

Submitted by: Tamara Burnham, Collaborative Practice Lead, and Tim Siran, Regional Manager-Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
For more information contact: Tim at 431-356-0217 or email

Please see ALERT regarding back order of B.Braun straight set (no port) intravenous (IV) tubing.

SH-SS Logistics and Supply Chain Management is predicting that there is current inventory of this product to last into December 2024 so no immediate action is required. In the event product is used before backorder is resolved, please be aware that this supply disruption contains replacement products that involve a temporary clinical change in practice. Using the alternate products for medication infusions requires that the IV tubing ports be covered to meet clinical practice standards. One option for covering the ports is included in the alert.

Submitted by: Tamara Burnham, Collaborative Practice Lead, and Tim Siran, Regional Manager-Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
For more information contact: Tim at 431-356-0217 or email

Staff influenza immunization clinics are being offered at facilities in the region throughout the months of October, November and December 2024. See schedule for location and dates. Please note that some clinics require appointments and posters will be posted at each facility. Community staff are able to call and schedule appointments by calling the contact for site indicated on the schedule. Community staff are encouraged to schedule appointments at acute care facilities rather than Personal Care Homes when possible.

Staff must bring their Manitoba Health Card and employee ID number.

Please be advised that an updated schedule will be provided with booking contacts where required.

Submitted by: Debbie Rigaux, Director – Staff Development, Infection Prevention & Control
For more info. contact: C 204-905-4339 or email

Changes have been made to Code White Task Sheets. The information and response plans have not changed, but the information on different responses has been separated to make it clearer and more concise. Also, a task with instructions on how to lock doors and areas as well as specifying which doors being able to be locked was added to the task sheet.

The two Code White responses, Code White Assistance Needed for when staff would like additional staff to respond and when it is not safe for staff to be in the area, Code White Avoid and/or Secure are now the only responses on the Code White task sheet.

The Restrict Entry response to an external threat when a site would restrict who is entering the site has been made into its own task sheet.

The response for someone actively using a dangerous weapon in the site is an Armed Assailant response and is now on its own task sheet as well.

As a reminder, someone having a weapon on them is not likely an Armed Assailant or even a Code White event. Unless they have the intention of using the weapon, having a weapon when the person is not agitated and not becoming aggressive is not requiring a Code White or Armed Assailant response. There is information on different ways a weapon being brought into the site can be handled in the Code White response plan. Also a one pager on Amnesty Bags has been created for easy referral and review.

Sites are asked to review their current Code White response plan and with that information, edit the revised Code White, Restrict Entry and Armed Assailant task sheets, print and replace the current copies at the site with these three and send to Once the new task sheets are in place sites are to share the new task sheets and Amnesty Bag one pager with staff.

Submitted by:  Jolene Dayholos, Emergency Preparedness Specialist
Contact Info:  T  204-428-2733  |   C  204-712-6009  |  

Health Canada has approved the temporary import and sale of US English labeled HIKMA vials. The product is considered interchangeable with the Canadian authorized product. Prescribers are asked to refer to the Canadian product monograph as needed.

Supply of pantoprazole 40 mg injection is tenuous, and our current inventory will not meet usage demand without conservation measures.

Conservation measures:

  1. Prescribers need to assess patients on pantoprazole IV therapy to step down to oral therapy as soon as clinically feasible.
  2. For patients with an active gastrointestinal bleed, pantoprazole 40 mg IV twice daily for 72 hours should be prescribed, rather than running a 24-hour continuous IV infusion.
  3. For acutely bleeding patients who have been scoped and found not to have a bleeding peptic ulcer, they should immediately be stepped down to an oral proton pump inhibitor.
  4. Famotidine injection (H2 receptor blocker) supply is tenuous but remains an option.
  5. Esomeprazole-MUPS are freely available for patients who are unable to swallow tablets whole or with tube feeds.

Oral pantoprazole tablets remain freely available.

Due to the pantoprazole injection shortage, alternate brands have been brought in; there may be different brands in use within the same facility. Please note that the JAMP brand pantoprazole injection is INCOMPATIBLE with the MINI-BAG PLUS system.

Thank you for your support of the ongoing efforts to manage drug supply issues. For questions, please contact your site pharmacy Or please contact Rizwan Ahmed via email Or Libby Gair via email.

Submitted by:  Pharmacy Program
For more info. contact:  Rizwan Ahmed, Director – Pharmacy or Libby Gair, Drug Distribution Supervisor

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Welcome to the virtual education session of Diet Orders – Diet Changes! This course will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Please thoroughly read through the instructions below to complete virtual education session of Diet Orders – Diet Changes.

Who Is It For?

Employees of Southern Health-Santé Sud who work with diet information and are responsible to prescribe, request, change, document and/or transcribe Diet Orders – Diet Changes.

What Is It?

Diet Orders – Diet Changes is an educational resource to support Diet Orders – Diet Changes Policy to improve accuracy of diet information and to reduce the risk of error; and is offered as a virtual option that can be done outside of the classroom.

Prior to starting the course, please ensure you have the following:

  • A distraction-free space
  • A stable internet connection
  • 15 minutes to dedicate to completing the course
  • 5 minutes to dedicate to completing the Knowledge Check Quiz
  • A personal device (computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone)
  • Speakers or headphones for audio sections


  1. Click on the Hand-In Package as you work through the course.
  2. Follow the instructions on the page to complete virtual education session of Diet Orders – Diet Changes. There will be a mandatory knowledge check quiz to complete at the end.
  3. Fill out and sign the Hand-In Package that is linked above. This package will need to be given to your manager/site educator/designate in order to have a record of completion of this education in your personnel file.

Click on the button to complete virtual education session:

The course will need to be completed in one sitting. Your progress in the course is not saved, so if you close out of your browser while in the middle of the course, you will need to start from the beginning again. While taking breaks, be sure to leave your browser/course open.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.