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VPP is a requirement for all staff – see below outlining which units’ are required as part of your position. VPP is required every 3 years.

Learning Management System (LMS)

  • Go to the LMS log in page (Your pop-up blocker must be disabled.)
  • Create an LMS account (if you don’t already have one). A work email address is required.
  • Log into the LMS.
  • Use the Search feature (top right) to find “Violence Prevention” and then click register on the units you are required to take.
  • After you have registered for the courses, click on the “learning plan” tab to find the course and launch it.

If you are having issues with your log in please contact IT.

If you are having issues finding the units to complete once logged in contact the Education Facilitator at your site.
After taking all applicable units on the LMS, staff are required to provide their certificate of completion from the LMS to their manager along with a Request for Leave (RFL) with the total paid time indicated in the table above to be paid for the education. If completing the education while on duty, an RFL is not required.

Category Exposure 1

  • contact with staff and/or minimal contact with patients/clients/residents/visitors
    • Units 1 & 2 (How the brain works, Cultural Safety & Trauma Informed Care)
    • Total paid time (if all units completed) = 2 hours

Category Exposure 2

  • direct hands-on care and/or regular contact with both staff and patients/clients/residents/visitors
    • Units 1, 2, 3 (SH-SS version) & 4 (How the brain works, Cultural Safety & Trauma Informed Care)
    • Total paid time (if all units completed) = 3.5 hours

Category Exposure 3

  • responsible for incident management
    • Units 1, 2, 3 (SH-SS version) & 4 & 5 (How the brain works, Cultural Safety & Trauma Informed Care)
    • Total paid time (if all units completed) = 4 hours

Access the 2 part training requirements here.

This page contains 2 learning options:

Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) Provider Self-Learning Package for Nurses

This self-learning package ensures all Southern Health–Santé Sud nurses who offer the TST develop core competencies related to tuberculin skin testing; includes education regarding administering a TST, which in combination with self and peer evaluation, will allow health care providers to safely provide TSTs to Southern Health-Santé Sud employees. Clinic nurses and nurse practitioners from Gladstone, Notre Dame, St. Claude, and Steinbach Quick Care Medical Clinics are asked to complete this module prior to administering TSTs.

  • Review the TST Provider Online Education Package and the built-in Knowledge Check
  • Use the Critical Elements Checklist for TST Administration to self evaluate your TST knowledge and skill.
  • If you are new to Tuberculin Skin Testing connect with an experienced provider in your practice setting to arrange an orientation and supervised TST experience which will be based on the information in this education package. The Critical Elements Checklist for TST Administration should then be completed with a peer.
  • A regulated health care provider is responsible for directing his/her own learning experience with the goal of reaching and maintaining competence in TST administration practice. Keep a record of this self-assessment and peer evaluation for your files.

Tuberculin Skin Testing for Health Care Workers – Education for Medical Clinic Clerks Self Learning Package

This self-learning package ensures all Southern Health-Santé Sud clerks, who provide administrative support for Medical Clinics who offer tuberculin skin testing (TST) to Southern Health-Santé Sud employees, have working knowledge of the procedures involved in providing tuberculin skin testing to our staff. This self-learning package includes education regarding the TST, referral of staff to a medical clinic, ordering tuberculin, and setting up required appointments. Clerical and administrative staff from Gladstone, Notre Dame, St. Claude, and Steinbach Quick Care Medical Clinics are asked to complete this module prior to booking appointments for TSTs.

  • Review the Tuberculin Skin Testing for Health Care Workers – Education for Medical Clinic Clerks material and complete the built-in Knowledge Check

This education is to assist nurses with the care and maintenance of CVADs for a resident in long term care. Only the sections applicable to that resident need to be completed dependent on type of device in place.

Central Venous Access in Long Term Care

a health care worker (HCW) selected and trained as a champion to observe and provide feedback to other members of the health care team as they are donning and doffing PPE. This role is intended to be part of a culture of safety and continuous quality improvement in infection prevention & control (IP&C) routine practices and additional precautions. 

Please refer to policy Personal Protective Equipment PPE Observer

The goal is for the Site Lead to select two to three HCWs per unit who will be trained as PPE Observers by the site Educator or ICP.  Once trained, PPE Observers are to conduct and document at least 2 PPE observations per month.

The Site Lead will communicate the selected staff to the site Educator/ICP, who will provide education in one of two ways:

Option 1) In person session: The selected candidates will be scheduled with their site Educator/ICP for classroom training that will include:

Use of the PPE Observer Audit Tool
Power Point Presentation
PPE and You
Knowledge Check
Donning and Doffing Demonstration

Option 2) Online Self Learn Package and Return Demonstration:

  • Part A: Online review of the pre-recorded training here at a time that works with your schedule. A QR Code is available here QR poster if you wish to access from your personal device, off the regional network  
  • Part B: Once the online portion is completed, the selected staff member should follow up with Educator/ICP for a short in-person session to perform a Donning and Doffing Return Demonstration and review the use of the Audit Tool

*Note if Option 2 selected, both Part A and B must be completed in order to be considered a PPE Observer.*

Key Considerations:
Questions or concerns can be directed to your site Educator or ICP
Only those selected for PPE Observer training are required to take this training
The training time is ~2 hours for both Option 1 and 2
Educators/ICPs will submit your name to QHR to indicate you are trained as a PPE Observer
Attempts should be made to perform these new skills routinely in order to remain competent

Also see:

Donning & Doffing

Prior to starting the course, ensure you have the following: a distraction-free space

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Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.