For Manitoba nurses… Psychosocial wellness tool kit. Video and other resources to learn simple, purposeful, deliverate actions you can easily implement to help you revitalize!
Protection for Persons in Care Office (PPCO)
A 20 min self-learning package encompasses information from the PPCO of Manitoba website, as well as videos from RNAO and references Southern Health Santé Sud policy. Developed for the primary purpose of supporting staff working in health care facilities and community settings (materials, questions are based on PPCO, PPCA, RNAO and SH-SS policy).
Proof of completion will be generated by working through the online learning package.
Preceptorship | HCA
Orientation video and document for health care aide preceptors
Preceptorship | LPN (ACC Program)
Preceptors are used in Senior Practicum where students are partnered for the duration of their clinical experience.
Session 1 – video
Topics covered
- Introduction to the College of Nursing Clinical Program
- What is a Concept Based Curriculum?
- Student Assessment:
- Where do I start?
- What do I watch for?
- Who do I contact to discuss student performance or progress?
- What are the next steps when a student is not progressing as expected?
- Next Steps
Session 2 – video
Topics Covered
- Student assessments
- Providing feedback
- Supportive learning contracts
- Remediation
- Completion of the clinical evaluation tool (CET)
Patient Safety Critical Incidents
A 30 min video on reporting and reviews of patient safety critical incidents.
Submit completion of learning package
Formalin Spill Training
All staff that handle, use or ship Formalin should complete this training. Enter your personal information at the end of thee training before submitting to ensure accurate record keeping.
Access the training presentation
From practice to concept ‘What Matters to You’
The Leader Within
A series of interviews with leaders in Southern Health-Santé Sud providing all staff a unique opportunity to learn, get to know our leaders and be inspired how we can all contribute to our vision ‘Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.’
Episode 1 – CEO, Jane Curtis
Episode 2 – Mary Heard
Episode 3 – Ales Morga
Episode 4 – Mona Spencer
Leadership Lessons – Dr. Fortier
Safety Event Report
Safe Client Handling and Injury Prevention (SCHIPP)
Access SCHIPP Safe Work Procedures