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45-min. video speaks to 2 main ways to increase resiliency by reviewing strategies for self-care and by speaking to managing difficult situations and behaviours as well as speaks to assertive skills when managing difficult situations. Some topics include interactive strategies, protective skills that are very useful when someone is becoming aggressive, challenging behaviours and helpful responses.

Addressing questions we ask ourselves and others as we prepare for the next stage of our lives. Topics will include:

  • Financial planning is more than money.
  • Demystifying the financial planning process.
  • Financial wellness checkup.
  • Sources of retirement income.
  • Cash flow, net worth, income and expenses statements.
  • How much do I need?

Please note: This workshop will be delivered in a virtual format. Participants will receive a Zoom meeting link prior to the session and will need to have a computer or device with audio to participate.

To register for one a session, please visit the LMS          

Providing safe, quality care of a cardiac patient after PCI, exploring the Manitoba Quality & Learning Framework and how it applies to real-life examples of nurses providing care and how populations impact patient outcomes after a PCI.

Learning more…

The measurement and monitoring of safety

Quality & Learning Framework

Community Health Assessment

Cardiac Sciences – University of Manitoba

Heart & Stroke

American Heart Association

Personal Care Homes and regional offices without onsite emergency departments have AEDs and staff are knowledgeable on the use of AEDs. Access the video below to orient the use of the equipment.

The Defibrillator Public Access Act:

  • requires defibrillators be installed and maintained in designated public places
  • supports public access; and
  • requires all public defibrillators be registered in a central registry so that 911 services can advise of their location

For more info contact:

Main focus is in the Home Care setting but can also be incorporated in other health care settings… reviewing what is people-centred care and ‘What Matters to You’.

Main focus is dementia care, reviewing the philosophy behind person-centred care in our day-to-day work and the importance of non-verbal communication.

Highlighting the process for policy, forms and guideline updates

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.