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Introduction to Regional Interpreter Services

How to Work Effectively with Interpreters

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Infection prevention is everyone’s responsibility. Access self-learn materials in English or French.

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Donning PPE

To download video, click here.

Doffing PPE

To download video, click here.

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PPE Observer Education

For all health care leaders, staff, physicians – a patient’s right to be informed of patient safety events including critical incidents.

Access presentation

Patient Safety Coordinators Contact Information:
Tara Roberts or 204-903-5344
Pam Gunn or 204-903-7762

Increase knowledge about trauma and the impact is has by creating connection, sharing knowledge and resources.

Modules below can be reviewed individually and can print a certificate after completion of each module. A pre- and post-competency survey will be required.

Module 1: What is Trauma Informed Care?
Module 2: What is Trauma?
Module 3: Disaster Response
Module 4: Loss and Grief after Trauma
Module 5: Trauma in Human Services Workers
Module 6: Emotional Literacy

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.