Canadian Triage Acuity Scale (CTAS)
Resources used for: CTAS recertification course, Triage refresher and working in the Emergency Department
Canadian Triage Acuity Scale Booklet
CEDIS – Adults
CEDIS – Pediatrics
Vital Signs Graphs – Pediatrics
CTAS Revisions Table-2016
See available staff education events on CTAS
Expressing Fact Sheets
Modified Guidelines – Crying Breastfed Baby
Acceptable Medical Reasons for use of Breast Milk Substitutes
Also see Baby Friendly Initiative Orientation
Orientation | Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI)
A global standard and important designation awarded to health organizations.
Why breastfeed?
- provides normal and optimal nutrition for babies
- increases babies’ immunity
- provides protection for many illnesses and diseases for both mom and babies
- breastmilk can’t be replicated artificially as it is always changing to provide what the baby needs throughout the day, week or month
Why not use formula?
- provides no immunity and does not protect against infections
- hard to digest and can cause bacterial infections
- errors can be made when preparing formula
What is the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitute?
- provides a minimum requirement that the facility has to meet to show the work we do related to infant feeding, is unbiased, face-based and free from commercial influences
- applies to all regional messaging about infant formula, other milks, infant teas or juices, feeding bottles and pacifiers (no advertising or promotion of products)
- encourages families to make informed decisions using evidence-based information on how to feed their baby
What is your role?
All staff will:
- Create a welcoming environment for breastfeeding families
- all families who wish to breastfeed or pump breastmilk can do so in all Southern Health-Santé Sud facilities
- offer a clean space with comfortable chairs
- provide a private space if requested and available
- do not display posters or other publications showing use of feeding bottles, pacifiers or infant formula
- do not ask the breastfeeding family to leave, cover up or to use a restroom
- Know the basics of the Southern Health-Santé Sud breastfeeding policy and procedures
- we support exclusive breastfeeding until the baby is 6 months old
- we support breastfeeding up to 2 years and beyond with the introduction of complimentary foods at 6 months
- we ensure materials distributed to the public by staff meet BFI standards (i.e. no ads re. formula)
- Refer mothers who have questions or need help with infant feeding to their local Public Health-Healthy Living nurse or the 24-hour Breastfeeding Hotline 204-788-8667 or 1-888-315-9257
Search Breastfeeding in the Policy & Forms section for policy and supporting documents
Breastfeeding Committee for Canada (BCC) – Global Strategy and Resources