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A story of gratitude from local La Broquerie family

Nurse Megan Wiebe with Lilia, Stephane, Liam and Noah Tetrault

As Lilia, Stephane and big brother Liam – welcome Noah Martin Tétrault to the world this Spring, they share words of gratitude to their nurse at Bethesda Regional Health Centre.

From triage and delivery to postpartum – Megan Wiebe, a nurse of four years, was by Lilia and Steph’s side throughout their labour and delivery journey. Lilia shares “Megan’s care throughout our entire stay at Bethesda was unbelievable. I am truly appreciative! This has left us with a great story to share with others.”

Megan, says “I always knew I wanted to be a labour and delivery nurse – and I am so happy I chose to go ahead with this career!” One of Megan’s favorite things about being a nurse is “to teach patients about what is happening with their bodies”, she says.

Steph and Lilia appreciate the time Megan spent teaching them throughout labour and delivery. “Our experience was incredible – Megan took the time to explain to us all of the procedures! It was so clear to us that she is very passionate about what she does. She made sure we understood all of the different options and helped us make the right decisions to ensure we were comfortable from beginning to end”, says Lilia Tétrault.

Megan spent all of her nursing career with Southern Health-Santé Sud since graduating from her program. She says “I really enjoy the rural aspect of my job! I love the feeling of contributing to my community – it is so rewarding”.

On this National Nursing Week – May 6-12, 2024, please take the time to thank our incredible nursing staff!

Thank you to all of our nurses, and welcome to the world baby Noah!

Building Trust at Boundary Trails Health Centre – Dialysis nursing offers continuity of care

Tanya Blatz, dialysis nurse

As a young woman Tanya Blatz considered many careers, and among her top choices were dietitian, teacher, or nurse – like her mom. She didn’t know it then, but years later Blatz would discover a job that encompassed all of those roles.

The role of a dialysis nurse includes nursing, educating patients on their kidney conditions and treatments, and extensive instruction on the strict and complex dietary requirements of dialysis patients, commonly known as the “dialysis diet.”

Dialysis nursing was a perfect fit for Blatz and for the last seven years she has worked as the clinical resource nurse for the dialysis unit at Boundary Trails Health Centre (BTHC), overseeing the unit’s staff and acting as a medical hub for the health centre’s dialysis patients.

 “I do anything and everything on the unit including organizing specialty appointments for our patients, attending the weekly nephrology rounds, collaborating with other members of the medical team like social workers, pharmacists, dietitians and even troubleshooting the dialysis machines when they break down,” said Blatz. “I have a wide spectrum of work in this role and I absolutely love it.”

Access News/Sharing Our Stories for complete story 

Submitted by: Carolyn Friesen, BTHC

There is still time to enter the contest for a chance to win one of three $100 gift cards of choice. Options include THERMEA, CHAPTERS/INDIGO or a GARDEN CENTRE of choice. Deadline for entries is May 17th.

For more details access the Admin Update post.

Mental Health Bingo Card graphic

Submitted by: Healthy Living Team

April 24th was Admin Professionals Day!

Read the full post on Southern Health-Santé Sud’s LinkedIn Account and follow our page!

Collage of administrative professionals

Submitted by: Recruitment & Retention

All volunteers from the region were entered into a draw to win a prize in honour of National Volunteer week from April 14-20!

Congratulations to our three winners:

  • JoAnn Beavington
  • Margie Ymalay
  • Donny Moore 

Prizes have been sent to sites through inter-facility mail.

Through the collection of names – sites, and programs also shared some inspiring quotes about our volunteers, here are a few!

  • “Our volunteer helps out with decorating for holidays and special events making things go a lot faster and smoother.”
  • “Brynn is a great volunteer, it’s always so nice to see her smiling face come through the door!”
  • “Our volunteer takes the time to have meaningful conversations with residents.”
  • “Evie is so great to have around! She is always so helpful and the patients love spending time with her!”
  • “Our volunteer brings good energy and is always able to cheer residents up with music and dancing.”
  • “Susan is a wonderful reliable volunteer and the residents love having her do Bible Study with them.”
  • “Residents love to see Donny come in with his guitar in hand and play some good old hymns.”
  • “Ron is always ready to help out. Whether it’s to help guide a new volunteer or help out last minute! He is respected and appreciated not only at our facility but in the community!”
  • “Our volunteer did a great job helping out with residents’ busy family Christmas party and we wouldn’t have been able to do it without her help.”

Thank you to all of our dedicated volunteers!

Submitted by: Human Resources

Trophy for 2024 nominations

Quality Service Awards are offered in recognition of the extraordinary achievements and contributions of employees who extend their efforts beyond the day-to-day performance of duties by sharing their gifts of compassion, patience, kindness and professionalism with clients Employee Recognition ORG.1511.PL.009 Page 4 of 6 and colleagues. The awards are presented to nominees/recipients from region’s sites/programs/services.

The CEO Career Achievement Award honours a Southern Health-Santé Sud employee or service provider with 25 years or more of continuous service, whose passion for their work, sustained positive attitude and high personal ethic has earned them the greatest respect of their peers. The employee or service provider will have made significant contributions to Southern Health-Santé Sud within the scope of their position(s) and fostered wellness in the workplace.

The Service Excellence Team Award recognizes a team of Southern Health-Santé Sud employees or service providers for their commitment to excellence and exceptional performance as well as demonstrated achievement in transforming the patient experience. The nomination can reflect the work of more than the past year.

Nomination forms for the different awards are available.

Submitted by: Human Resources

Activity staff in Morris and St. Pierre arranged an activity for residents to engage in a fun Tim Hortons experience. Residents had the opportunity to order coffee and donuts through a makeshift “drive-thru”. The activity brought smiles to all and the residents really enjoyed the friendly service they received from the “Tims” staff.

Staff serving residents with a Tim Hortons 'Drive-thru'

Submitted by: Stephanie Rozsa, Director, Health Services – Personal Care Homes-East

The Shared Health Spirit Week was April 15 -19, 2024. Here ar­e some fun photos of our staff participating in the team spirit.

Staff dressed for spirit week

Submitted by: Shared Health

The Manitoba Act received royal assent on May 12, 1870, when the Province of Manitoba entered confederation.

As the Métis leader of the Red River Resistance, Louis Riel was instrumental in drafting the List of Rights that formed the basis of the Manitoba Act.

prairie crocus

The Prairie Crocus is the provincial flower

Le crocus des prairies est la fleur provincial

L’Acte du Manitoba reçoit la sanction royale le 12 mai 1970, date à laquelle la province du Manitoba entre dans la Confédération.

En tant que chef métis de la Résistance e la Rivière Rouge, Louis Riel a joué un rôle déterminant dans la rédaction de la liste des droits qui a servi de base à l’Acte du Manitoba.

Manitoba bison

For more information and learning resources about Active Offer and French Language Services

Submitted by: Rosanne Ritchot, FLS Specialist

Graphic Standards Manual

Southern Health-Santé Sud maintains quality control and design consistency to ensure a strong brand and positive image.

Gain a better understanding of guidelines and supporting tools associated with the Graphic Standards Manual (GSM).

We are proud to recognize the positive impact of allied health professionals on patient, resident and client care every day, and express our appreciation for their efforts to keep us all well. We hope you will take a moment to celebrate Allied Health Professionals with us.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.