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MNU Education Allowance

The current contract between the Manitoba Nurses Union and the Southern Health-Santé Sud states the following in Article 2407 (c):

“Educational Development: A nurse shall be granted, upon written request funding up to a maximum of $200 annually, to attend approved workshops, courses, and other programs that are relevant to the nurse’s current areas of practice. Such requests must be submitted to the Senior Nursing Manager or designate prior to attendance at such program. Reimbursement for tuition or registration and the recommended/required books and shall occur upon satisfactory completion of the workshop, course, or educational program.”

  • amount of $200 annually (fiscal year April 1-March 31) will be allocated per nurse upon written request.
  • multiple requests per nurse can be submitted, but the funding will max out at $200
  • all required documentation for the fiscal year must be received by March 31; requests received after this date will not be considered
  • facility and/or program managers are considered designate of “Senior Nursing Manager”
  • applicants may apply during the fiscal year: utilization will be tracked by nurse and by the junior accountant, regional centres, SD/IPC, & acute care program Southern Health-Santé Sud (204-822-2667).

Prior to the course:

  1. Time to attend educational sessions may be arranged by the individual nurse with the facility and/or program manager or designate using the Request for Leave Form.
  2. Approval must be obtained from the Facility and/or Program Manager or designate.

After attendance at the event/course:

Submit the MNU Fund expense claim form with the following documents attached to the Facility and/or Program Manager or designate (please note that Accounts Payable no longer require originals, photocopies are preferred on 8.5 x 11 paper):

  • copy of receipt (proof of payment)
  • copy of certificate of completion or other proof of attendance
  • incomplete requests will be returned and not processed until complete information has been submitted; if returned, re-submit ENTIRE package

The facility and/or program manager or designate will then forward the signed / authorized MNU Expense Claim form and applicable attachments to Brenda Hiebert, Junior Accountant, via email Regional Centres, SD/IPC, & Acute Care Program.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.