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Language Access Interpreter Services

*This Language Access webpage is for service providers (health care employees and other external service providers) to inform them about the availability of interpreter services and the process to request an interpreter, along with supporting resources.

Urgent, On-Demand, Over-the-Phone Interpreter Services (24/7/365)

Speak (or type) your unique Access Code:


  • Speak the name of the language needed (alternatively type the first 3 letters of the language and press ‘#‘)
  • Within 2 minutes, your call will be connected to a qualified interpreter
  • Provide your first and last name and any other information requested by the interpreter
  • At any time, press “0” to speak with an operator (operators and interpreters can dial out and add other parties to the call if needed.

TIPS for working effectively with Over-the-Phone Interpreters:

  • use a hands-free/speaker phone, if a private, confidential space is available
  • document the interpreter’s name/ID #
  • speak directly at an even pace, one or two sentences at a time
  • check in regularly to ensure the patient/client is hearing and understanding

NOTE: 911 interpreters is a third-party provider contracted by Shared Health Language Access to provide Over-the-Phone Interpreter Services.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.