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Via Visual Communication

Visual communication icon

Our visual environment reflects and conveys the bilingual nature of our designated bilingual health authority. The presence of bilingual signage (exterior and interior), posters and identifiers (lanyards, badges, etc.) are important indicators that services are available in both official languages.

Contributing to communication effectiveness:

The illustrations below visually identify where French language services may be available and invites the public to request services in the official language of their choice.

visual illustration of active offer
Province of Manitoba bilingual identifier

Province of Manitoba’s bilingual identifier for government organizations.

Active offer - Offre active

Consistent visibility through a variety of French material such as forms, notices, publications, etc., helps a client feel more comfortable asking for ‘services en français’.

“How we communicate is as important as what we communicate. Consistent application of the bilingual corporate identity builds familiarity. Familiarity builds relationships, relationships build trust. Our brand is more than the logo and visual identity. It is the personality, the perception and association we want our stakeholders to be left with whether they read a publication, hear our name, pass a sign, access health care services or see us in the news.
Our regional graphic identity enhances our profile and increases the perceived value of our organization with our audiences. In order to capitalize fully on the opportunities that our identity presents, it is important that we appreciate its spirit and effectively use the guidelines in this manual. Correct and consistent use of an organization’s graphic identity is a factor in maintaining the credibility of the organization – this is equally important on an internal basis as it is at a public level.”
– Graphic Standards Manual

As per The Health System Governance and Accountability Act (C.C.S.M. c. H26.5), a bilingual or francophone facility or program designated under this regulation must post a notice of the designation in accordance with guidelines approved by the provincial minister.

Visual of notice of designation

Remember… without a bilingual greeting, clients may be reluctant to request a service in the official language of their choice. As a result, employees may start to think that there is no need for service in both official languages and therefore be less inclined to provide an active offer.

We, YOU and I – as in, ALL of us – drive Southern Health-Santé Sud’s commitment to providing services in both official languages, English & French, to members of the public. This Active Offer Reference & Greeting Guide has been developed to help you navigate the Active Offer of French language services; to build and sustain this practice with more ease and comfort.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.