MEASLES       Public Website      Pay Statements

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Prior to starting the course, please ensure you have the following:

  • A distraction-free space
  • A stable internet connection
  • Three (3) hours dedicated to completing the course
  • A personal device (computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone).
  • Speakers or headphones for audio sections
  • Welcome Letter | Infographic
  • This is the information given to you by your manager upon hire, so that you can access this page.
  • HCA Orientation Checklist
  • This document is meant to be printed. This checklist must be handed in to your manager upon completion. You have 14 days to complete this list and it must be completed and signed by yourself, your manager, and your orientation partner(s).

Complete the Health Care Aide (HCA) Orientation | Rise 360

Orientation must be completed all at once as progress will not be saved if the user exits out of the course. While taking breaks, be sure to leave your browser/course open.

Addressing questions we ask ourselves and others as we prepare for the next stage of our lives. Topics will include:

  • Financial planning is more than money.
  • Demystifying the financial planning process.
  • Financial wellness checkup.
  • Sources of retirement income.
  • Cash flow, net worth, income and expenses statements.
  • How much do I need?

Please note: This workshop will be delivered in a virtual format. Participants will receive a Zoom meeting link prior to the session and will need to have a computer or device with audio to participate.

To register for one a session, please visit the LMS          

10-min training video

For emergency department physicians and nurses – 45 min video important tips on dealing with compartment syndrome. Once you have completed, fill out the form and click submit to be credited.

Reviewing CDI management across areas

Online pathway & quiz – click here. No sign-in sheet required; proof of completion is generated by working through the online learning package.

10 min training video

For direct health care workers who are required to assist with insertion of chest tubes and managing care

In-person Sessions – contact your clinical or education facilitator,, incl. paper-based quiz and sign-in sheet submitted to

Online pathway & quiz – click here. No sign-in sheet; proof of completion is generated by working through the online learning package.

Additional Resources

Regional Policy

Teleflex Resources

  • Sahara Pleur-Evac Dry Suction/Dry Seal: S-1100 Series (video)
  • Pleur-Evac Sahara Dry Suction/Dry Seal information

Elsevier Clinical Skills (when using Elsevier links-may only take you to the main page; close out and try clicking on the same link again to be redirected to appropriate skill page)

Patient Teaching Sheets:

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.