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Providing safe, quality care of a cardiac patient after PCI, exploring the Manitoba Quality & Learning Framework and how it applies to real-life examples of nurses providing care and how populations impact patient outcomes after a PCI.

Learning more…

The measurement and monitoring of safety

Quality & Learning Framework

Community Health Assessment

Cardiac Sciences – University of Manitoba

Heart & Stroke

American Heart Association

10 min training video

A global standard and important designation awarded to health organizations.

Why breastfeed?

  • provides normal and optimal nutrition for babies
  • increases babies’ immunity
  • provides protection for many illnesses and diseases for both mom and babies
  • breastmilk can’t be replicated artificially as it is always changing to provide what the baby needs throughout the day, week or month

Why not use formula?

  • provides no immunity and does not protect against infections
  • hard to digest and can cause bacterial infections
  • errors can be made when preparing formula

What is the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitute?

  • provides a minimum requirement that the facility has to meet to show the work we do related to infant feeding, is unbiased, face-based and free from commercial influences
  • applies to all regional messaging about infant formula, other milks, infant teas or juices, feeding bottles and pacifiers (no advertising or promotion of products)
  • encourages families to make informed decisions using evidence-based information on how to feed their baby

What is your role?

All staff will:

  1. Create a welcoming environment for breastfeeding families
    • all families who wish to breastfeed or pump breastmilk can do so in all Southern Health-Santé Sud facilities
    • offer a clean space with comfortable chairs
    • provide a private space if requested and available
    • do not display posters or other publications showing use of feeding bottles, pacifiers or infant formula
    • do not ask the breastfeeding family to leave, cover up or to use a restroom
  2. Know the basics of the Southern Health-Santé Sud breastfeeding policy and procedures
    • we support exclusive breastfeeding until the baby is 6 months old
    • we support breastfeeding up to 2 years and beyond with the introduction of complimentary foods at 6 months
    • we ensure materials distributed to the public by staff meet BFI standards (i.e. no ads re. formula)
  3. Refer mothers who have questions or need help with infant feeding to their local Public Health-Healthy Living nurse or the 24-hour Breastfeeding Hotline 204-788-8667 or 1-888-315-9257


Search Breastfeeding in the Policy & Forms section for policy and supporting documents

BFI-Staff Information Handout

Breastfeeding Committee for Canada (BCC) – Global Strategy and Resources

Personal Care Homes and regional offices without onsite emergency departments have AEDs and staff are knowledgeable on the use of AEDs. Access the video below to orient the use of the equipment.

The Defibrillator Public Access Act:

  • requires defibrillators be installed and maintained in designated public places
  • supports public access; and
  • requires all public defibrillators be registered in a central registry so that 911 services can advise of their location

For more info contact:

Diagnosis and treatment guideline video on anaphylaxis

4 min training video

Safe use of portable fans in health care facilities – for nurses (regular, not casual), health care aids, housekeeping and maintenance staff at acute and long term sites.

In-person Sessions – contact your education facilitator for session options using Knowledge Check; sign-in sheet submitted to: [email protected]

Self-study paper copy – contact your education facilitator for material using Knowledge Check; sign-in sheet submitted to: [email protected]

Online with Knowledge Check – click here. No sign-in sheet required; proof of completion is generated by working through the online learning package.

For more info contact your facility educator.

Main focus is in the Home Care setting but can also be incorporated in other health care settings… reviewing what is people-centred care and ‘What Matters to You’.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.