Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Reference Intervals Update
Effective March 3, 2025, the reference intervals for plasma/serum Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) tests performed at Shared Health laboratories across province will be revised as a part of ongoing quality improvement.
Please see the Diagnostic Services Clinical Communication regarding Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Reference Intervals Update.
Submitted by: Tamara Burnham, Collaborative Practice Lead
Diet Orders – Diet Changes Education
ROP of the Week – Hand Hygiene
The Hand Hygiene Required Organizational Practice (ROP) is applicable to all health care workers, clients and visitors.
Directors, Managers and Supervisors, please share and discuss this ROP resource with your staff in team huddles, or print out the information for staff to review at their convenience.
Submitted by: Cailin Gagnon, Quality & Accreditation Coordinator
For more info. contact:
Drug Shortage: D5W non-PVC, non-DEHP 100 mL bags
D5W non -PVC, non-DEHP 100 mL bags are currently on backorder and stock will deplete without conservation measures.
Effective immediately, D5W non-PVC, non-DEHP 100 mL bags are to be reserved for amiodarone continuous infusions only. Bags should only be available in critical care areas where patients might have amiodarone continuous infusions administered and should be removed from all other areas.
Nurses are to draw up amiodarone IV bolus and intermittent doses and prepare them in the regular D5W 100 mL minibags (contains PVC/DEHP). These should be administered immediately after preparation as amiodarone injection in PVC/DEHP containers has an expiry of 2 hours at room temperature.
Patients should be switched to oral amiodarone therapy as soon as possible, if clinically feasible.
Other medications requiring non-PVC, non-DEHP containers currently prepared in D5W 100 mL bags, should be prepared in NaCl 0.9% non-PVC, non-DEHP bags if compatible per SH-SS Parenteral Monograph.
Medications incompatible with NaCl 0.9% and requiring non-PVC, non-DEHP containers should be reviewed with pharmacy for an alternate bag size.
Thank you for your support of the ongoing efforts to manage drug supply issues. For questions, please contact your site pharmacy or please contact Rizwan Ahmed or Libby Gair
Submitted by: Rizwan Ahmed, Director – Pharmacy and Libby Gair, Drug Distribution Supervisor
Supply Chain Product Safety Alert-Bard BD Power PICC SOLO 2 (new option 2)
Southern Health-Santé Sud (SH-SS) clinicians are requested to review and follow directions in this Supply Chain Product Safety Alert-Bard BD Power PICC SOLO 2 (new option 2).
Submitted by: Tamara Burnham, Collaborative Practice Lead and Tim Siran, Regional Manager-Logistics and Supply Chain Management
For more info., contact: Tim at 431-356-0217 or
French Language Training – Spring 2025
Deadline for Registration: Friday, March 21, 2025
Registration is now open for French language classes for health care workers, offered online by the Université de Saint-Boniface. This is a great opportunity for you to acquire or upgrade French language skills.
While priority is given to those in Designated Bilingual positions, all who are interested in submitting a registration form are invited to do so. Space permitting, they will also be given the opportunity to follow a French Language course.
Access the registration form and send it electronically to Rosanne Ritchot via .
See this poster for more information and for posting at sites and within programs.
Deadline – March 21, 2025
$50 administration fee: etransfer to [email protected]
Submitted by: French Language Services Specialist
For more info. contact Rosanne Ritchot: 204-424-6042 or
Project ECHO – Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Skills
PROJECT ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is a virtual gathering of health care providers, hosted by mental health experts. Presentations are given by experts and attendees that participate in case-based learning on mental health issues and topics across the lifespan. Join us beginning March 11, 2024 for the five-week CBT skills program. This course is open to people working in Manitoba in healthcare who want to integrate CBT principles and strategies into their practice. This will serve as an introduction to CBT, providing a foundation of knowledge that can be built upon. This training does not provide certification in CBT.
For more details and how to register, access Introduction to CBT Skills.
Submitted by: Tracy Pulak, Director, Health Services – Mental Health & Addictions
Job Aide-Internationally Educated Nurse Requesting Academic Allowance
A Job Aide-Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN) Requesting Academic Allowance resource has been developed for Manager and Director use. It has been developed with Southern Health-Santé Sud (SH-SS) Human Resources input and outlines the process steps required.
Submitted by: Tamara Burnham, Collaborative Practice Lead
For more info. contact: 204-371-1008 or
NEW ROP of the Week!
In preparation for the upcoming May 2025 accreditation visit, we are introducing one page information sheets for Required Organizational Practices (ROPs) which are intended to provide staff with key information about ROPs that will be assessed by Accreditation Canada surveyors.
Each week, a new ROP one pager will be uploaded under Accreditation Resources and it will be announced through the Admin Update every Friday.
Directors, Managers, and Supervisors, please share the ROP one pagers as applicable to your staff in team huddles, or print out the information for staff to review at their convenience.
The first ROP is Adhering to a Do Not Use List of Abbreviations, Symbols and Dose Designations. This ROP is applicable to clinical staff who are responsible for prescribing and/or transcribing medication orders.
Submitted by: Cailin Gagnon, Quality & Accreditation Coordinator
For more info. contact: