Please see below Best Practice Reminder relating to Pyxis – Contingency Process for your distribution to clinical staff in units with Pyxis machines.
A potential patient safety risk has been identified with BD Pyxis Med Station ES and BD Pyxis CII Safe ES systems.
We have received notification from the vendor of an issue with the software which may result in delay in access to medication. We are aware of two instances in Manitoba in the last year where there was a delay lasting greater than 60 seconds (from time of entering credentials to medication access).
A software version update will be released later this year to rectify the issue; the timeline for Manitoba implementation will be shared when available.
To minimize the impact to patients if a delay in access should occur, please review the following recommendations:
- Providers must be aware of local downtime processes for Pyxis interruptions, including how to use Global Find, and when to access medications using the Override function.
- Providers must be aware of nearby alternative inventory supplies, such as another nearby Med Station, ward stock supply, emergency kits or code blue trays as well as the process to access medication urgently from site pharmacy.
If clinicians encounter this issue please advise site Pharmacy and Patient Care Managers and complete a product complaint form. Follow your local reporting process for patient safety events (e.g. RL reporting, or other process) if required.
If you have any questions, please contact your site Pharmacy leadership
Submitted by: Acute Care