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The Patient Safety Education & Training Required Organizational Practice is applicable to all staff and volunteers.

Directors, Managers and Supervisors, please share and discuss this ROP resource with your staff in team huddles, or print the information for staff to review at their convenience.

Submitted by: Cailin Gagnon, Quality & Accreditation Coordinator
For more info. contact:

As with previous years, employees working from home may claim a deduction for certain home office expenses on their 2023 income tax return.

Employees are eligible for a home office deduction if they have worked form home more than 50% of the time for at least four consecutive weeks during the year.

Employees who elect to complete the form, are required to provide their manager with a printed or electronic CRA T2200 form with their sections completed.


A T2200 form signed by your employer is required only if you are claiming your deduction using the detailed method.

If you are using the detailed method, do the following:

  1. Access the PDF fillable/savable form on the CRA website page T2200 Declaration of Conditions of Employment.
  2. Complete parts A and B. For employment expenses, refer to Guide T4044, Employment Expenses.
  3. Send your T2200 to your manager for review.
  4. When the form is in good order, your manager will send it to your organization’s Finance Department to complete and sign the “Employer Declaration” section.
  5. Finance will send you a copy of the completed, signed form.
  6. Keep your signed copy for your records. Do not submit this to CRA unless requested to do so.

If you have questions regarding your home office deduction claim, see the CRA website for more information or talk to your accountant or financial advisor.


Please do the following :

  1. Review the form to confirm the employee meets the eligibility requirement of working from home at least 50% of the time for at least four consecutive weeks. Do NOT fill in the Employer Declaration portion of the form.
  2. Confirm the employee has reviewed the list of eligible expenses on the CRA website.
  3. For the employees who meet the eligibility criteria, forward the T2200 form to your Business & Finance Analyst.
  4. Finance will complete and sign the Employer Declaration portion of the form and send a copy to both you and the employee.

Should employees have questions regarding their home office deduction claim, please advise them to see the CRA website for more information or to talk to their accountant or financial advisor.

Submitted by: Ainsley Wiebe, Regional Lead – Corporate Services

All SH-SS employees should verify their EEID (employee identification number) on the LMS (Learning Management System) as soon as possible.

As Staff Development moves more education over to the LMS platform, an incorrect EEID will result in no record of your education in QHR (your electronic personnel file).

How do I check/fix my EEID in LMS?

  1. Login to the LMS. LearnFlex – login area
  2. Reference screen capture below and click on your username in the top right corner.
  3. Reference the second screen capture below and enter 8 0’s in the SAP ID and verify/correct the EEID
  4. Hit Save.
screen capture for LMS user profile
screen capture how to update user profile

Submitted by: T Stewart, Manager, Clinical Initiatives and Mentorship

Diet Orders-Diet Changes Education Session

Thursday, March 20, 2025
1:30 to 2:10 pm

Access the event details

Access the poster to post in your staff areas as deemed appropriate.

Submitted by: Support Services

The Hand Hygiene Required Organizational Practice (ROP) is applicable to all health care workers, clients and visitors.

Directors, Managers and Supervisors, please share and discuss this ROP resource with your staff in team huddles, or print out the information for staff to review at their convenience.

Submitted by: Cailin Gagnon, Quality & Accreditation Coordinator
For more info. contact:

Deadline for Registration: Friday, March 21, 2025

Registration is now open for French language classes for health care workers, offered online by the Université de Saint-Boniface. This is a great opportunity for you to acquire or upgrade French language skills.

While priority is given to those in Designated Bilingual positions, all who are interested in submitting a registration form are invited to do so. Space permitting, they will also be given the opportunity to follow a French Language course.

Access the registration form and send it electronically to Rosanne Ritchot via .

See this poster for more information and for posting at sites and within programs.

Deadline – March 21, 2025

$50 administration fee: etransfer to [email protected]

Submitted by: French Language Services Specialist

For more info. contact Rosanne Ritchot:
204-424-6042 or

In preparation for the upcoming May 2025 accreditation visit, we are introducing one page information sheets for Required Organizational Practices (ROPs) which are intended to provide staff with key information about ROPs that will be assessed by Accreditation Canada surveyors.

Each week, a new ROP one pager will be uploaded under Accreditation Resources and it will be announced through the Admin Update every Friday.

Directors, Managers, and Supervisors, please share the ROP one pagers as applicable to your staff in team huddles, or print out the information for staff to review at their convenience.

The first ROP is Adhering to a Do Not Use List of Abbreviations, Symbols and Dose Designations. This ROP is applicable to clinical staff who are responsible for prescribing and/or transcribing medication orders.

Submitted by: Cailin Gagnon, Quality & Accreditation Coordinator
For more info. contact:

We are pleased to welcome Janelle Lapointe back as Manager, Health Services – Hôpital Ste Anne Hospital, as of February 24, 2025.

Thank you to Kayla Clark who did an admirable job in covering for Janelle during her absence! Kayla will be returning to her permanent CRN position at Hôpital Ste-Anne Hospital.

Submitted by: Vanessa Siemens, Director, Health Services – Acute Community Hospitals

PHLRS and MNU have finalized the process for the MNU Full Time Salary Enhancement incentive. This incentive takes effect on April 1, 2025. Kindly note the three following documents:

  1. MNU FT Salary Enhancement – Rural & Northern. This communication must be posted/provided to all nurses.
  2. MNU Memorandum of Understanding FT Salary Enhancement
  3. MNU Full Time Hours Salary Enhancement Part Time Nurse Identification Form. This form can be found on the StaffNet under Policies & Forms and selecting “Human Resources” from the Category Drop-Down Menu. This form is to be completed by:
    • Part-time Southern Health-Santé Sud nurses who:
      • Hold an EFT within one of the eligible classifications (LPN, ORT I, ORT II, Nurse II and Nurse III and CRN/Charge Nurse), and;
      • Work additional available shifts as a casual at one of the affiliate sites within Southern Health-Santé Sud: Villa Youville, Rock Lake Health District, Rock Lake District Personal Care Home, Prairie View Lodge or Menno Home.
    • Part-time nurses of affiliates sites (Villa Youville, Rock Lake Health District, Rock Lake District Personal Care Home, Prairie View Lodge or Menno Home) who:
      • Hold an EFT within one of the eligible classifications (LPN, ORT I, ORT II, Nurse II and Nurse III and CRN/Charge Nurse), and;
      • Work additional available shifts as a casual at any of the facilities or sites listed under MNU Appendix D – Southern Health Direct Operations.

Once completed, this form should be submitted to . Labour Relations will review the form, verify the information and forward to the affiliate site where the nurse has identified they hold casual status. Nurses who meet this criteria will be considered “Casual Plus” for purposes of calculating the FT Salary Enhancement, as well as for scheduling purposes*

*There are updated MNU Schedule Guidelines that will be communicated shortly that will also reference “Casual Plus” nurses and how they are to be incorporated into the scheduling process. We anticipate PHLRS presentations on these changes to be scheduled in the very near future, which will be forwarded onto leadership to attend.

Managers may also see a surge in part-time and casual nurses requesting increases to their EFT in order to meet the criteria for this incentive. If you need support in reviewing those requests, don’t hesitate to contact Labour Relations.

Submitted by: Jordan Fehr, Manager – Labour Relations
For more info. contact:

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