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The Steinbach Regional Secondary School Health Clinic new contact information is as below.:

Fax number: 204-326-7452

Phone number: 204-320-2315

Text only number: 204-392-0282

Email address: [email protected]

Please update your contact information accordingly.

Submitted by: Chantelle D’Andreamatteo, Manager, Health Services – Primary Care

New Capacity Management Protocol resources is a “one-stop-shop” for all things Capacity Management!  Access Capacity Management Protocol including links to:

  • policy, supporting document and site plan templates
  • site specific plans
  • self-learning package and site/program huddle sign-in
  • intake line for ongoing feedback and evaluation

Submitted by: Melissa Schmidt, Director, Acute Care – Projects & Standards

I am pleased to announce that Loriann Scott will be starting in the role of Manager Health Services – Emergency Department and Cancer Care on November 18, 2024.

Loriann comes to us after working 10 years in the Seven Oaks Hospital Emergency/Urgent Care. She has worked as a Team Lead with contact tracing during COVID and joined Southern Health in 2021 at Hôpital Ste-Anne Hospital, where she is currently working as a CRN. 

Please join me in welcoming Loriann to our team at Bethesda.

Submitted by: Roberta (Bobbi) Thompson, Director, Health Services – BRHC 

What is the Nursing Practice Council (NPC?):

  • Do you have safety concerns with equipment at your site that are affecting patient care?
  • Do you feel you need additional education for your role?
  • Do you want someone to advocate for a direct care nursing concern?
  • Do you have a patient safety concern?

This council provides a safe and judgement free forum for nurses to bring forward clinical practice issues & participate in
developing solutions/strategies to address issues and ensure patient safety for issues that have not been able to be addressed at site level.

Access more details

Submitted by:

Tamara Burnham – Collaborative Practice Lead

For more info. contact:  204-371-1008 or email

Effective Nov 18, 2024

the ongoing work to modernize our long-term care application process in Southern Health- Santé Sud we are looking to streamline how information is communicated going forward. The generic [email protected] email address will serve as a single point of contact for the documents referenced below; and, in an effort to organize the number of emails that we are anticipating this inbox to receive, we are also asking that the specific subject lines captured in the table below be used for any emails that are sent to this inbox.  We are asking that the clients initials form the end of the subject line.

  • long term care applications subject=LTC App-client initials
  • supportive housing applications subject=SH App-client initials
  • long term care reassessments subject=LTC Reass-client initials
  • supportive housing reassessments subject=SH Reass-client initials
  • supportive housing additional info required subject=SH Add Info-client initials
  • emergency applications subject=Emergency App-client initials
  • community urgent applications (after has been approved by HC leadership) subject=Community Urg App-client initials
  • change of circumstance forms subject=Chge of Circ-client initials
  • as well as any additional information required to support those applications

Any questions about the communication changes can be directed to any of the working group members including Marianne WoodsStephanie RozsaKelly KaletaDebbie Harms

Submitted by:  Stephanie Rozsa, Director, Health Services – Personal Care Homes

It is with mixed feelings that I share that Stephanie Verhoeven, Director, Health Services – Public Health-Healthy Living and Primary Care, has announced her retirement effective January 31, 2025.  Stephanie has been with the region for close to 40 years and began her career in the Public Health program as a nurse.  In 2008, Stephanie became the Director of the program and impressively led the program and the region through various challenges such as H1N1, RHA amalgamation, and most recently the COVID pandemic.   

Best wishes for the most enjoyable retirement with time now to do all of things you have always dreamed of.  Whether that is traveling to a new place or picking up a new hobby, this new chapter is all about you!

Please join me in congratulating Stephanie on this great accomplishment!

Submitted by: Dana Human, Regional Lead – Community & Continuing Care
For more information

The Southern Health-Santé Sud Regional Infection Prevention & Control (IP&C) Annual Report 2023-2024 is now available.  Please make this report available for staff working in acute care, personal care homes and community programs.

“Prevent with Intent” was the theme of National Infection Control Week (October 14-18, 2024). At the forefront of infection prevention is the practice of good hand hygiene and the use of personal protective equipment for all health care workers. Performing screening of clients coming to our facilities or in our care, emphasizing good cleaning and disinfection of care environments and encouraging vaccinations play a strong role in preventing healthcare associated infections and outbreaks. A healthy infection control program requires teamwork, collaboration and education to improve patient safety and staff wellness.

Submitted by: Shelly Rempel, Infection Control Coordinator
For more information,

It is with mixed feelings that I share that Shirley Guenther has announced her retirement as the Manager, Health Services for Gladstone Health Centre, effective December 13, 2024.  Shirley has been in the position for the past 10 years and has truly demonstrated service excellence!  She is always such an ambassador for the community and the region; we will miss her wealth of experience.  Best wishes for the most enjoyable retirement with time now to do all of your favorite things!

I am pleased to announce that Laura Marchant has accepted the position of Manager, Health Services – LTC Administration for Gladstone Health Centre.  Laura has her Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing and is familiar with Gladstone, having worked previously as the Manager for Third Crossing Manor.  Laura will begin orientation on a part time basis starting on November 6, 2024, with the transition into full time hours effective November 25th.  I am looking forward to working with her in this new role.

Please join me in congratulating both Shirley and Laura on the new chapters in their lives!

Submitted by:  Marianne Woods, Director, Health Services – Personal Care Homes West
For more information

Graphic with female showing a proactive generation

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, and we are proud to be a Get Cyber Safe champion, working to help our staff stay safe online. Each week in October, keep an eye on this newsletter, or our staff intranet for tools and tips you can use to stay safe online.

Week 5 celebrates the most helpful generation. Roll up your sleeves and help pass along the information you’ve learned over the month on our cybersecurity webpage with your coworkers, families, and friends. Are you cyber aware? It’s your last chance to take our quiz and find out!

Submitted by: Shared Health

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.