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Employee Discount Program

Human Resources

Show your badge to receive great discounts!

Southern Health-Santé Sud is not responsible for any services or products offered through the Employee Discount Program and makes no representations thereto.

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There are currently 3 discounts in this directory beginning with the letter P.
Park'N Fly Canada
5905 Campus Rd, Missisauga ON
Sign up to Park'N Fly Rewards or use the discount code (987382) at the time of check out to receive the discount rate.
905-676-1248 ext. 626
[email protected]
Sign up
Pic 'N' Pay Shoes

10% on regular priced items
347 Main St, Steinbach MB

Portage Regional Recreation Authority Inc.

20% on adult active membership or adult aquatic membership
Portage la Prairie MB
Applicable to SH-SS employees only - does not include spouse or family.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.