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Discover Health Careers Manitoba Program Inter-professional Project

Health Careers Manitoba established a partnership and agreement with Rady Faculty of Health Sciences – Office of Inter-professional Collaboration.

All rural / northern health authorities have the opportunity to identify an inter-professional project for the summer and hire a team of students to undertake that project. Student teams will consist of a minimum of 4 students (teams can be larger) representing at least 3 separate health care professions and part of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences including:

  • medicine
  • nursing
  • occupational therapy
  • pharmacy
  • physiotherapy
  • respiratory therapy
  • dentistry
  • dental hygiene
  • physician assistants

Possible candidates will be identified through both regular Discover Health Careers application process and through direct promotion of these opportunities who have shown interest in the inter-professional practice. Each health authority will actively involve the selection of their project team. Access the application here.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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