Quality & Accreditation Coordinator or 204-346-6697
What is Accreditation?
Accreditation is certification by a recognized body as meeting a certain set of standards. It is a formal assessment conducted by outside expertise that health service organizations use to evaluate and improve the quality and safety of their services. Accreditation identifies what our organization is doing well and what needs to be improved.
Southern Health-Santé Sud will now be involved in the provincial sequential survey model
Historically, Accreditation Canada on site visits occurred every four years (with the last visit in May 2023). Moving forward, Accreditation Canada surveyors will conduct on site assessments annually with certain standards assessed each year.
Shared Health has determined the first four-year cycle to be as follows:
Sequence 1
Emergency & Disaster Management
Infection Prevention & Control
Medication Management
Sequence 2
Critical Care
Diagnostic Services
EMS & Interfacility Transport
Emergency Department
Home Care (WRHA only)
Infection Prevention & Control
Medical Management
Organ Donation
Perioperative & Invasive Procedures
Reprocessing of Reusable Medical Devices
Service Excellence (as applicable)
Sequence 3
Ambulatory Care
Cancer Care
Infection Prevention & Control
Long Term Care
Medication Management
Mental Health (incl. CBMH)
Palliative Care
Service Excellence (as applicable)
Substance Abuse & Problem Gambling
Sequence 4
Acquired Brain Injury
Home Care
Infection Prevention & Control
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Medication Management
Population Health & Wellness
Primary Care
Public Health
Service Excellence (as applicable)
Spinal Cord Injury
It is expected the Surveyors will assess the standards onsite the last week of May each year.
Your feedback is welcome and can be sent to the Quality and Accreditation Coordinator, via email, or 204-346-6697.