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A Shared Responsibility

Southern Health-Santé Sud, a designated bilingual health authority, is proud of its commitment to providing health care services in both official languages, English and French, conforming to the Manitoba Government’s French Language Services (FLS) Policy.

As a Southern Health-Santé Sud employee, you play a critical role in the Active Offer –

  • whether or not you speak French
  • whether or not you occupy a designated bilingual position
  • whether or not you are a frontline employee

Plan ahead for services in French by collaborating with your manager and the FLS Unit to devise an Active Offer Plan. Keep your plan close by for easy access to your contacts and review/update regularly.

You can ensure that French-speaking clients feel welcome and well-served by facilitating positive & timely access to the services they need, in French.

Active Offer Pledge

As a SH-SS employee, I share our region’s commitment to extend Active Offer to the general public. I make an active offer of service in both official languages when greeting the public in person, on the telephone and, by email.

Interpreter Services Interpreter Icon

Arrangements for interpreter services are available through Shared Health Language Access Interpreter Services at 204-788-8585

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.