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Expressing Fact Sheets Modified Guidelines - Crying Breastfed Baby Acceptable Medical Reasons for use of Breast Milk Substitutes Also see Baby Friendly Initiative Orientation ...

Canadian Triage Acuity Scale (CTAS)

Resources used for: CTAS recertification course, Triage refresher and working in the Emergency Department Canadian Triage Acuity Scale BookletCEDIS - AdultsCEDIS - PediatricsVital Signs Graphs - PediatricsCTAS Revisions Table-2016 See available staff education events on CTAS ...

Harm Reduction

Access the self-learning module on harm reduction supply distribution. Practice quiz below Self-learning package Practice Quiz: Harm reduction is a pragmatic response that focuses on keeping people safe by minimizing death, preventing disease and injury associated with higher risk behavior, while recognizing that the behavior may continue despite the risks ...

Nipple Shields

Access the module for nipple shields (use, risks and complications, etc). Practice quiz below. Self-learning package Quiz If a baby is unable to latch, name three factors that should be explored before using a nipple shield? Answer breastfeeding self-efficacy; 2. breastfeeding history - including with this baby; 3. baby’s oral ...

Orientation | Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI)

A global standard and important designation awarded to health organizations. Why breastfeed? provides normal and optimal nutrition for babies increases babies' immunity provides protection for many illnesses and diseases for both mom and babies breastmilk can't be replicated artificially as it is always changing to provide what the baby needs ...

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Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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