Dates Cancelled: October 8 & 9 have been rescheduled
Note: Staff previously signed up for these cancelled dates will need to Re-Register.
October 23, 2024: Supervisor RTW Reporting and Awareness Session – Half Day BRHC – Steinbach – 9:00 am (Crocus Room)
December 2, 2024: Supervisor RTW Reporting and Awareness Session – Half Day BTHC – Winkler – 9:00 am (Multipurpose Room)
October 18, 2024: WCB Basics Full Day Course in Carman (Boyne Lodge) is fully booked. Further dates anticipated.
This poster can be printed and posted in areas for staff to view and sign up using their mobile devices or access the WCB Education for SH-SS Employees form.
We are encouraging all Managers and Supervisors to take the half-day session and all payroll clerks to attend the full day WCB Basics session.
We are pleased to announce a unique opportunity for in-person WCB (Workers Compensation Board) training in our region. The Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba has offered to provide in-person training sessions for our staff. These sessions are directed towards all Managers/Supervisors, Safety Committee members, and administrative/payroll staff who have WCB as part of their function.
WCB Basics – Full Day Session
This full-day session provides a broad overview of the Workers Compensation Board, including who they are, why they were created, their role and how they work with both employees and employers. We highly encourage any staff members with administrative or payroll functions to attend. This session is also an excellent learning opportunity for safety committee members.
Supervisor RTW Reporting and Awareness Session – Half Day
This half-day session is directed towards Managers and Supervisors and will include specific statistics relevant to Southern Health-Santé Sud. It will cover Managers’ responsibilities in the Workers Compensation process and explore the relationship between cost savings and strong return-to-work engagement. We highly encourage all Managers and Supervisors to attend, especially those new to the role.
This poster can be printed and posted in areas for staff to view and sign up using their mobile devices or access the WCB Education for SH-SS Employees form.
Submitted by: Steven Gilbert, Manager – Occupational Safety & Health
For more information, contact: Steven via