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What comes to mind when you think about health care harm?

Let’s broaden our understanding of safety in health care, together!

Next week is Canadian Patient Safety Week!  Please see below list of free webinars available.

REGISTER for the webinars. Or for more details visit Healthcare Excellence Canada.

Submitted by:

Tara Roberts & Pam Gunn, Patient Safety Coordinators

For more information contact: Tara via email or Pam via email

Effective November 30 Southern Health-Santé Sud (SH-SS) will be implementing a Capacity Management Protocol (CMP) based on Shared Health’s ‘Manitoba Capacity Management Standard’. The overarching goal is to facilitate cooperation between all stakeholders within SH-SS to support a system approach to capacity management that is driven by real-time objective data and risk quantification, which includes utilization of the Provincial Capacity Management Dashboard. Please see Briefing Note for more details including links to virtual education sessions which outline the target audience and dates/times of sessions.

Submitted by:

Melissa Schmidt, Director, Acute Care – Projects and Standards
For more info. contact:  204-903-7630 or email

Long Term Care and Acute Care | Letter to Sites

A standardized nurse orientation checklist for Long Term Care and Acute Care has been developed to support the orientation of nurses to your site and program.  The checklist can be used for new hires including SHSS nurses, agency nurses, Provincial Nursing Travel Team, UNEs, and Philippine Recruitment Initiative Nurses. The nurse checklist should be completed within 14 days, reviewed by the manager and placed in the employee personnel file.  Site and Unit specific information can be added to the checklist under section I.

Please add the nurse orientation checklist to your new hire packages and reference details.

Submitted by: Debbie Rigaux, Director, Staff Development and Infection Prevention & Control
For more information, contact Debbie via email

The Recruitment & Retention team would like to share the upcoming payroll dates and statutory holidays with you for the upcoming 2025 calendar year. Please follow the link to access the calendar that’s been created. 

Submitted by:

Recruitment & Retention
For more info. contact:

As EMS continues to transition to Shared Health, all EMS policies, with the exception of Interfacility Transfer are being removed from the Policies, Procedures and Standard Guidelines section on the Health Providers’ Site.

The remaining Interfacility Transfer policy is being updated and will be moved to Across Care Areas in the near future. 

Please ensure your binders are also updated to reflect this removal of all the EMS policies (CLI.5310 and CLI.5311) with the exception of Interfacility Transfer (CLI.5310.PR.004). 

Submitted by:  Scott Noble, Southern Area Director – Emergency Medical Services / Emergency Response Services

Contact Info:  Cell (204) 248-2092 ext 43310 or Email 

Dates Cancelled: October 8 & 9 have been rescheduled

Note: Staff previously signed up for these cancelled dates will need to Re-Register.

October 23, 2024: Supervisor RTW Reporting and Awareness Session – Half Day BRHC – Steinbach – 9:00 am (Crocus Room)

December 2, 2024: Supervisor RTW Reporting and Awareness Session – Half Day BTHC – Winkler – 9:00 am (Multipurpose Room)

October 18, 2024: WCB Basics Full Day Course in Carman (Boyne Lodge) is fully booked. Further dates anticipated.

This poster can be printed and posted in areas for staff to view and sign up using their mobile devices or access the WCB Education for SH-SS Employees form.

We are encouraging all Managers and Supervisors to take the half-day session and all payroll clerks to attend the full day WCB Basics session.

We are pleased to announce a unique opportunity for in-person WCB (Workers Compensation Board) training in our region. The Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba has offered to provide in-person training sessions for our staff. These sessions are directed towards all Managers/Supervisors, Safety Committee members, and administrative/payroll staff who have WCB as part of their function.

WCB Basics – Full Day Session

This full-day session provides a broad overview of the Workers Compensation Board, including who they are, why they were created, their role and how they work with both employees and employers. We highly encourage any staff members with administrative or payroll functions to attend. This session is also an excellent learning opportunity for safety committee members.

Supervisor RTW Reporting and Awareness Session – Half Day

This half-day session is directed towards Managers and Supervisors and will include specific statistics relevant to Southern Health-Santé Sud. It will cover Managers’ responsibilities in the Workers Compensation process and explore the relationship between cost savings and strong return-to-work engagement. We highly encourage all Managers and Supervisors to attend, especially those new to the role.

This poster can be printed and posted in areas for staff to view and sign up using their mobile devices or access the WCB Education for SH-SS Employees form.

Submitted by: Steven Gilbert, Manager – Occupational Safety & Health
For more information, contact: Steven via

Effective October 1, 2024, Infection Prevention & Control (IP&C) support in Personal Care Homes will transition to the Regional IP&C Nurses – Long Term Care and the Infection Control Support Associates (ICSAs).

Please see memo for more details on the new structure.

Submitted by: Tracy Ward/Samantha Thompson Regional Nurse 4 – Infection Prevention & Control – Long Term Care
Contact Info:
431-349-0524 or

As EMS continues to transition to Shared Health, all EMS policies, with the exception of Interfacility Transfer are being removed from the Policies, Procedures and Standard Guidelines section on the Health Providers’ Site.

The remaining Interfacility Transfer policy is being updated and will be moved to Across Care Areas in the near future. 

Please ensure your binders are also updated to reflect this removal of all the EMS policies (CLI.5310 and CLI.5311) with the exception of Inferfacility Transfer (CLI.5310.PR.004). 

Submitted by:  Scott Noble, Southern Area Director – Emergency Medical Services / Emergency Response Services
Contact Info:  Cell (204) 248-2092 ext 43310 or 

Staff influenza immunization clinics are being offered at facilities in the region throughout the months of October, November and December 2024. See schedule for location and dates. Please note that some clinics require appointments and posters will be posted at each facility. Community staff are able to call and schedule appointments by calling the contact for site indicated on the schedule. Community staff are encouraged to schedule appointments at acute care facilities rather than Personal Care Homes when possible.

Staff must bring their Manitoba Health Card and employee ID number.

Please be advised that an updated schedule will be provided with booking contacts where required.

Submitted by: Debbie Rigaux, Director – Staff Development, Infection Prevention & Control
For more info. contact: C 204-905-4339 or email

Changes have been made to Code White Task Sheets. The information and response plans have not changed, but the information on different responses has been separated to make it clearer and more concise. Also, a task with instructions on how to lock doors and areas as well as specifying which doors being able to be locked was added to the task sheet.

The two Code White responses, Code White Assistance Needed for when staff would like additional staff to respond and when it is not safe for staff to be in the area, Code White Avoid and/or Secure are now the only responses on the Code White task sheet.

The Restrict Entry response to an external threat when a site would restrict who is entering the site has been made into its own task sheet.

The response for someone actively using a dangerous weapon in the site is an Armed Assailant response and is now on its own task sheet as well.

As a reminder, someone having a weapon on them is not likely an Armed Assailant or even a Code White event. Unless they have the intention of using the weapon, having a weapon when the person is not agitated and not becoming aggressive is not requiring a Code White or Armed Assailant response. There is information on different ways a weapon being brought into the site can be handled in the Code White response plan. Also a one pager on Amnesty Bags has been created for easy referral and review.

Sites are asked to review their current Code White response plan and with that information, edit the revised Code White, Restrict Entry and Armed Assailant task sheets, print and replace the current copies at the site with these three and send to [email protected]. Once the new task sheets are in place sites are to share the new task sheets and Amnesty Bag one pager with staff.

Submitted by:  Jolene Dayholos, Emergency Preparedness Specialist
Contact Info:  T  204-428-2733  |   C  204-712-6009  |  

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.