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Client experience surveys are just one of the many ways we can hear from patients to inform people-centred care in the services we offer. The 2023-24 Canadian Patient Experience Survey for SH-SS results are now available. The accompanying interactive database provides more details on participants’ responses as well as results to the questions not included in the summary report.

We encourage sites, and any program areas with relevant information included in the survey, to review the results to help inform actions in their quality improvement plans.

For more details, or if your site or program would like to receive a formal presentation on the results, please contact Hui Wang via .

Submitted by: Hui Wang, Decision Support Analyst
For more info. contact via email

Southern Health-Santé Sud is pleased to participate and host the Discover Health Careers Manitoba program (previously known as the Home for the Summer program), in partnership with Health Care Retention and Recruitment Office (HCRRO).

Employer Information

The Discover Health Careers Manitoba (DHCM) program offers summer employment to post-secondary students, providing hands-on experience both in the hospital environment and with patient interactions. This is a great opportunity for students to learn more about Southern Health-Santé Sud, work alongside trained health care providers, and enhance their knowledge and skills in their area of study.

If you and your team are interested in employing a student for the summer that is studying in your field/occupation, please access more details.

Student Information

If you know of a student currently enrolled in post-secondary education studies that would be interested in working with Southern Health-Santé Sud for the summer, please share the Health Careers Manitoba link and invite them to apply via the DHCM Nursing & Allied Health Application Form.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the Recruitment & Retention Team via .

We look forward to another successful year for the Discover Health Careers Manitoba Program!

Submitted by: The Recruitment & Retention Team
For more info. contact via email

customer service icon with the words changes to service desk coming jan. 8, 2025

Beginning Jan. 8, 2025, users will notice new options when calling the Shared Health Service Desk. These changes are being made as a first step towards a more modernized Service Desk in order to provide better services to our customers.

Users will notice the following changes:

  • New Interactive Voice Response (IVR) menu options, including direct options for password issues, service requests, clinical or technical issues, HR requests, and more. While the additional menu items may take longer for users to get through, having them in place means your issue will be directed to the proper place and prioritized more quickly.
  • The ability to call in and receive updates on your request from our IVR system. As well, customers will have the ability to speak with a Service Desk agent getting their update if they have questions or need an escalation.

For full details on these changes, please see the IVR Changes QRG.
Please note that there will be NO CHANGES to the Service Desk contact information. Staff can continue to call 204-940-8500, toll-free 1-866-999-9698, or email.

Submitted by: Shared Health

Work has been done to create a system where disaster management exercise debriefs can be tracked including the recommendations and actions that come out of the lessons learned. Staff Development had made a system similar to the one recently implemented to take attendance so that sites can enter the exercise debriefs online. This will give us the ability to see all the data and update the actions completed on the recommendations. This has been worked on over the past few months and is now ready to go!

Sites are to complete their Disaster Management Exercise Tracker until the end of 2024 calendar year and forward to .

Starting January 1, 2025, sites are to start using this new system to track exercises and record debriefs. To complete an exercise debrief and track the information, the exercise facilitators are enter and submit the information at Disaster Management Exercise Debrief and Tracker

Sites will be able to pull up the information submitted on the debriefs as a simple spreadsheet that can be filtered to show the exercises completed, debriefs, recommendations and status.

If there are any questions please contact ….

Submitted by: Emergency Preparedness Specialist
For more info. contact: 204-428-2733 or

Explore the Wellbeing Hub, a new online resource designed to support your overall wellbeing – encompassing emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health. The Wellbeing Hub provides quick and easy access to helpful articles, practical tools, and wellbeing supports for all members of our health-care teams, as well as resources for managers, supervisors, and leaders seeking tools to better support the members of their team.

The content on the Wellbeing Hub has been developed with the input of knowledgeable health-care professionals from across Manitoba. These are your colleagues in the support and delivery of care who understand the unique pressures of working in the health system. Their contributions have ensured these resources are relevant, trustworthy, and meaningful to your experiences.

Submitted by: Shared Health

For all health care providers and other relevant individuals – access update to guidance on Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD) vaccine/catch-up program for children.

Contact Angela Peck, Manitoba Health with any updates to your email, fax or contact name.

A message from Santé en français – Translation Services

We would like to inform you that Santé en français’s office will be closed December 24, 2024 (starting at noon) through January 2nd, 2025, inclusively. Translation services will not be available until January 3, 2025, at 8:30 am.

As indicated in our guidelines, any translation request sent during that period will not be processed. Only the requests that are sent starting January 3, 2025 will be processed.

However, should the translation of urgent documents be required, we have put in place a protocol to ensure services in those instances. Please contact the FLS Unit before December 23, 2024 if you anticipate such requests and we will advise you of the required steps.

Santé en français thanks you for your continued cooperation and wishes you all a happy holiday season!

Submitted by: FLS Unit
For more info. contact:
204-424-6042 or

Southern Health-Santé Sud logo

Welcome to the virtual education session of Modified Textures and Thickened Liquids! This course is two parts, each part taking approximately 30 minutes to complete. Please thoroughly read through the instructions below to complete virtual education session of Modified Textures and Thickened Liquids.

Who Is It For?

Employees of Southern Health-Santé Sud who provide modified textures to patients/residents.

What Is It?

Modified Textures and Thickened Liquids is a part of the dysphagia educational resources for staff and is now offered as a virtual option that can be done outside of the classroom.

Prior to starting the course, please ensure you have the following:

  • A distraction-free space
  • A stable internet connection
  • 30 minutes to dedicate to completing PART 1
  • 30 minutes to dedicate to completing PART 2 and knowledge Check Quiz
  • A personal device (computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone)
  • Speakers or headphones for audio sections


  1. Click on the Hand-In Package as you work through the course.
  2. Follow the instructions on the page to complete virtual education session of Modified textures and Thickened Liquids. There will be a mandatory knowledge check quiz to complete at the end of PART 2.
  3. Fill out and sign the Hand-In Package that is linked above. This package will need to be given to your manager/site educator/designate in order to have a record of completion of this education in your personnel file.

Click on the button to complete virtual education sessions:

Both parts do not need to be completed in one sitting, however each part individually will need to be completed in one sitting. Your progress in the course is not saved, so if you close out of your browser while in the middle of either part, you will need to start from the beginning again. While taking breaks, be sure to leave your browser/course open.

From: Monika Warren, COO, Provincial Coordinated Health Services & CNO and Dr. Jose Francois, Provincial Chief Medical Officer

This alert is to highlight the importance of communicating which acetylcysteine (also known as N-Acetylcysteine, or NAC, or Mucomyst) dosing protocol is initiated upon any transfer between We are aware of a large volume of product complaints and reported patient safety events related to the B. Braun Infusomat pumps. Concerns reported include pump performance, tubing quality and impact to both patient and staff safety.

These pumps are in use at facilities and in various clinical environments across the province.

All reported safety events are being actively reviewed and managed and we cannot overstate the importance and value of continuing to document, report and respond to these safety events.
We recognize that completing the necessary documentation is an additional burden being placed on our clinical staff and we are sorry that it is adding to workload. Input from staff and clinicians is identifying issues across the system so that we may investigate and recommend mitigation strategies to support ongoing safe patient care. We continue to encourage staff and clinicians to raise and document these events as they occur.

We have been in contact with colleagues in other Canadian provinces and in other jurisdictions around the world. We can share that the feedback received mirrors what has been shared during these conversations and we are working provincially to share knowledge and information gained from those who have been managing these risks as effectively as possible for their staff and patients.

We are regularly engaging with the vendor to share our concerns and identify areas where we require their support and remediation but are also looking at all possible longer-term solutions, including potential fleet replacement.

We have heard the concerns shared over the past number of months from teams across the province and acknowledge the efforts have made to support immediate solutions and other mitigation strategies. We share your frustration with the ongoing challenges.

It is important to acknowledge that longer-term solutions will take time, requiring supply chain logistics, fleet testing, creation of drug library and pump deployment strategies, so while all options are being considered for the long-term, we continue to identify, test and implement interim measures, processes and workarounds to ensure the safety of our patients and to support all staff and clinicians working with this equipment.

A number of these processes have been developed and are recommended for use provincially, with implementation at the discretion of each site/SDO.

We are currently trialing the following measures:

  • Other jurisdictions in Canada have suggested use of a port below the level of the pump to purge air in line as a syringe method (for non-hazardous medications or fluids only);
  • We are trialing and adapting the use of ported IV sets for norepinephrine, so we can use a syringe method to remove air in line; and
  • We have implemented a two-pump protocol for norepinephrine; this provides a backup medication delivery option if an air in line alarm occurs and stops the infusion.
  • We have tested Fresenius pumps in select environments and will be recommending a further trial of this equipment in locations across the province to allow for your input and experiences to be contributed to our longer-term planning.

These are the latest in a long line of mitigation efforts that have been taken to address the challenges with this equipment. We recognize these strategies are not sustainable for the long-term and will share more information as longer-term options are identified.

Safety reports and product complaints strengthen our communication with Health Canada and provide the details that we need in order to identify and advocate for better solutions. Please continue to submit these.

We care for the professional integrity and wellbeing of our teams and clinicians. We know that these challenges are creating concerns for clinical and patient safety that is felt deeply.

We are moving as quickly as possible to identify interim and longer-term solutions and thank you for your ongoing commitment to patient safety and quality of care during this challenging time. We commit to keeping you updated and apprised as we work through the issues and long term possible solutions.

Please continue to raise concerns or suggestions for management of these practice concerns to your manager, team lead or to myself or Dr. Francois directly.

Submitted by: Tamara Burnham, Collaborative Practice Lead

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.